Critical Technical hiring through campuses

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About Company
- Company with new age enterprise HRMS platform is built with a clear focus on intuitiveness and scalability, with standards of best in class consumer apps. Our Platform addresses issues that are on top of mind of every HR person with well thought out flows, proprietary intelligence based insights and sexy interfaces.
- The company was looking for a platform which would assist them hiring the best talent from technical institutions nationwide with minimal efforts.
- The company was in search of fresh talent who is logically and technically competitive, trainable, good cultural and behavioral fit as a team player.
- Earlier company used to screen 15,000+ candidates every year from various Campuses.
- The major challenge was extensive travelling to multiple campuses for screening, assessing skills, and calling the short listed candidates to company for Technical/HR evaluation investing huge efforts and man hours
- Such a tedious process, ending with unsatisfactory result is what adds more complexity to the entire approach.
- Understanding the job competencies, cognitive skills required for this position, Costuco proposed a PoA of handling the whole process starting from job notification, multi level screening by CoStuCo expert team, which reduces the company’s endless man hours and efforts to the least.
- Designed exclusive test pattern to measure Cognitive & technical abilities
- Proposed to have Technical/Communication skills evaluation with One – One digitally by CoStuCo Technical experts.
- Process and other required details were shared with all the technical institutions at PAN India level including IIT/BITS/NIT and other TIER 1 institutions also.
- 17,446 technical graduates who were in final year of their graduation were screened at national level.
- 89.2% of the performers were not meeting the expectations of the company at the first level itself thus helped in filtering the applicants through
- Through - Assessment Platform, CoStuCo team was able to drain further from programming test (With test cases) thus short listing the technically sound candidates.
- CoStuCo technical expert team evaluated the candidates One – One through online platform on Technical/Communication skills, filtering out the ones who could be prospective asset to the company.
- The company also has the access to all the assessments, process and results at all levels of screening.
- Company has spent only couple of days for the final evaluation (One – One through Online) to conclude the recruitment process.
- Complete co-ordination starting from Job Notification till Offers Roll out has been assisted by CoStuCo team with the support of our exclusive networking platform and our unique assessment platform
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